A Tiger and a Monkey
Storyteller: Once there lived an old tiger inaforest. Every day he
made one of the smaller animals bring him something to eat. One morning the tiger was very hungry.
Tiger: I’m hungry, Monkey. Go and bring me a fat pig. Monkey: I can’t do that, Mr Tiger. There’s another tiger in the
forest. He is younger and stronger than you are. Yesterday, He told me not to bring you anything. Tiger:What? Show me that tiger. I will speak to him. Monkey: Come with me, Mr Tiger, I know where he lives. Storyteller: The monkey took the tiger to a river. Monkey: Look into the river, There he is! See his head, and his
teeth and his eyes? Isn’t he bigger than you?
Tiger: So you told Monkey not to bring me anything! Grrr … I’ll kill
Storyteller: With these words the tiger jumped into the river.