摘要: 托福滿分作文范文30篇!托福寫作的提升當然也離不開滿分范文的學習瞭,要想寫作提高分數,首先我們要知道滿分作文為什麼的高分,學習滿分作文中的經驗,因此,接下來跟隨小編來看看托福滿分作文范文30篇吧!
托福 滿分作文范文30篇,通過對以往考試常考話題的總結,整理瞭考試中經常出現的話題,針對話題,挑選瞭滿分作文,供大傢賞析。
Does modern technology help students learn more information and learn it more quickly?
Marvelous as it looks at first sight, modern technology does not help students learn information at a greater speed and with higher efficiency in most cases; or it could work towards the opposite direction which led students to lose their initiative to learn and explore.
First of all, one property of modern technology is latently harmful to any learning mind – it distracts. One thing we feel about when we are searching for information online is that the internet, as an outst